To get started, please REGISTER yourself to access and download the online course study material to get acquainted with Destination Malaysia.

If you have already registered yourself and would like to test your knowledge as elaborated in the online course as mentioned above, please LOGIN your details here to take the test.


To successfully complete the test, please note below:

1. You must answer all the  questions in each module.

2. There is only one correct answer per question.

3. Click the submit button to move on to the next module.

4. You must qualify for each Module in chronological order with min. 80% (Module-1 >> Module-2 >> Module-3 >> Module-4 >> Module-5) before you can proceed to the next module.

5. Every participant will have 5 attempts per module to achieve the required min. 80% qualification criteria to proceed to the next module. After 5 failed attempts, the participant will be disqualified from the program and the designated user id will no longer be valid.

6. No queries, clarification or explanation should be expected from the organizers on their decision regarding any part of the program processing or any result.

7. Travel professionals who have successfully completed this course will be able to download the Malaysia Master Specialist e-certificate issued by Malaysia Tourism Office in India.

8. The validity of the Malaysia Master Specialist certification will be valid for a duration of 12 months from the date of the completion of the online course.

9. The obtention of this certificate does not indicate any labour or working relationship between Malaysia Tourism Office in India and the travel professional.